Thankful … Theme of the Month

Thankful –
Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire. If you did, what would there be to look forward to? Be thankful when you don’t know something. For it gives you the opportunity to learn. Be thankful for each new challenge. Because it will build your strength and character

From the Cancer center of Santa Barbara
Thank you for Your Support! On Sunday, October 12, 2014, we took to the streets of Montecito and raised more than $187,000 in support of our clinical Research Program! Click HERE for pictures and more!

From the Santa Barbara Zoo
Thank you for Your Support!
To all the South Coast Karate families who made donations to our “Boo at the Zoo” event serving over 6,100 guest!

List 3 things you can do to improve your education.
2. _________________________________________
3. _________________________________________