Author Archives: Sensei
Tiger Talk January 2022
Drew Vogel Student of the Month
Drew Vogel who trains at our GVCC Dojo. To receive this award students demonstrate outstanding character in Trustworthiness, Responsibility, Caring, Fairness & Respect Proud Parents Cristina & Kevin: “Drew is an intelligent 7th grader with a big heart. This year, Continue reading Drew Vogel Student of the Month
ATTITUDE… December Theme
Tiger Talk December 2021
GRATITUDE… November Theme
Tiger Talk November 2021
Brandon Garcia Student of the Month
To receive this award students must demonstrate outstanding character in Caring, Fairness, Respect, Trustworthiness & Responsibility. Proud Parents Hana & Marcel: Brandon has the determination to continue to learn new things and to never give up no matter how hard Continue reading Brandon Garcia Student of the Month
Dhaki Rai Student of the Month
To receive this award students must demonstrate outstanding character in Caring, Fairness, Respect, Trustworthiness & Responsibility. Proud Parents Hana & Marcel: Brandon has the determination to continue to learn new things and to never give up no matter how hard Continue reading Dhaki Rai Student of the Month