Author Archives: Sensei
Cullen Gully Car Contest Winner
Katarina Goodrich Student of the Month
Student Of The Month: Katarina Goodrich who trains at our GVCCDojo. To receive this award students demonstrate outstanding character in Trustworthiness Responsibility, Caring Fairness & Respect. Proud Parents Sussie Continue reading Katarina Goodrich Student of the Month
Isabelle Esau Car Contest Winner
Goals… January Theme
Goals – 1) Attain good grades. 2) Reach your next belt. 3) Be a role model. Martial arts is the perfect example of learning how to reach goals. Continue reading Goals… January Theme
Tiger Talk January 2018
Look for the Good
Being a “good finder,” as Sensei puts it, is something I need to practice and make habit. Sometimes, I get so caught up in the karate curriculum that I forget to point out how amazing our students are and all Continue reading Look for the Good
Attitude…Theme of the Month
Attitude …. is a way of looking at life; a way of thinking, feeling, or behaving. Example: When we are learning new skills, my martial arts instructor tells us, “Attitude is everything!” Everyone likes being around a positive person, because attitudes Continue reading Attitude…Theme of the Month
Emma Parent Car Contest Winner
Oliver Lambourne Student of the Month
Student Of The Month: Oliver Lambourne who trains at our GVCCDojo. To receive this award students demonstrate outstanding character in Trustworthiness Responsibility, Caring Fairness & Respect. Proud Parents Rob and Mieko: Oliver is such a fun boy to be around and Continue reading Oliver Lambourne Student of the Month