Author Archives: Sensei
Dimitri Nicolaou Car Contest Winner
Confidence… March Theme
Confidence… Speaking and acting with self-assurance. KIAI! How many times have you shouted or yelled that during class? How did your voice sound? Quiet? Shy? Strong? Confident? More than likely, it was a very confident voice to give you the Continue reading Confidence… March Theme
Tiger Talk March 2017
Isabelle Esau Student of the Month
Student Of The Month: Isabelle Esau Proud Parents Lynette and Paul: Isabelle is kind and respectful. She loves to practice karate and horseback riding. Karate has given her the tools to be more self-confident and outgoing. When given a task Continue reading Isabelle Esau Student of the Month
Lei’ana Navarro Car Contest Winner
Caring… February Theme
Caring….Feeling and exhibiting concern and empathy for others Sometimes we need someone to simple be there. Not to say anything or fix anything, but to let us know they’re on our side, and that they care for us. List an example Continue reading Caring… February Theme
Ana Rameriz Student of the Month
Proud Parents Roberto & Esther: We are proud of Ana’s growth in Karate and School which complement each other. She’s an outstanding person and daughter… Congratulations Sweetheart! Teachers Ms. Paterson & Ms. Stempel: “Ana is a pleasure to have in Continue reading Ana Rameriz Student of the Month