Author Archives: Sensei
Cody Dimmit Student of the Month
Proud Parent’s Dale & Sandra: ” Eleanor is an intelligent girl with a big heart and a strong work ethic. She cares deeply for others, as evidenced by the kindness she shows her teachers, friends, dogs, and even her brother. Continue reading Cody Dimmit Student of the Month
Livvie Zampelli Car Contest Winner
Earth Day Demos (Apr 18 @ 4:00, Apr 19 @ 4:45)
Join us for our demonstrations on Saturday, April 18 @ 4:00 Sunday, April 19 @ 4:45 We are Booth #715 in the Kid’s Corner (Garden/East Sola St)
Confident Communication … Theme of the Month
Confident Communication – Definition: Speaking and acting with self-assurance. KIAI! How many times have you shouted or yelled that during class? How did your voice sound? quite?Shy? Strong? Confident? More than likely it was a very confident voice to give you Continue reading Confident Communication … Theme of the Month
Eleanor Lemon Student of the Month
Proud Parent’s Dale & Sandra: ” Eleanor is an intelligent girl with a big heart and a strong work ethic. She cares deeply for others, as evidenced by the kindness she shows her teachers, friends, dogs, and even her brother. Continue reading Eleanor Lemon Student of the Month
Tiger Talk April 2015
Cullen Gully Car Contest Winner
Spring Karate Camp
Join in a Vacation Adventure of Fun, Safety Awareness, Character Building while learning Life Skills! Home of the acclaimed “KID POWER” program, South Coast Karate’s Kids Camp is the place for your Child! SIGN UP Age Range: 5 – 16 Registration: Ongoing Continue reading Spring Karate Camp