Author Archives: Sensei
Cullen Gully Car Contest Winner
Pierce Phillips Student of the Month
Proud Parents Mandy and Jeff: “Pierce absolutely loves South Coast Karate. From the first day we took him to ‘observe’ the class he could hardly sit still and just watch so he immediately had to join in. Jeff and I love Continue reading Pierce Phillips Student of the Month
Education…Theme of the Month
Education – any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character or physical ability of an individual. Example: After spending my day at school learning Math, English and other subjects then I go to my karate school to further my education Continue reading Education…Theme of the Month
Tiger Talk September 2014
Jagger Campiglia Car Contest Winner
Health Fair August 8th (1-5pm)
Join us Saturday August 8th at the Earl Warren Show Grounds. wear your gi and be a part of our demonstration!
Commitment…Theme of the Month
1) Think about your involvement in martial arts as a commitment to yourself! 2) Set a goal and make a commitment to reach your next belt. 3) Commit to living a healthy lifestyle
Ryan Hathaway Student of the Month
Proud Parents Monica and Alan: Ryan started with South Coast Karate as a Tiny Tiger years ago, and now he is a fine, strong, young man. His dedication to principle and practice at school, and in the Dojo make us Continue reading Ryan Hathaway Student of the Month