Author Archives: Sensei
Creativity…Theme of the Month
The ability to see something in a new way, to see and solve problems no one else may know exist, and to engage in mental and physical experiences that are new unique. or different
Jamie Levinson Student of the Month
Proud Parents Jill and Neil: Jamie is a passionate, funny and engaged boy. He is a loyal brother and friend who always has a smile for others. We are so proud his commitment to all he does, including the focus Continue reading Jamie Levinson Student of the Month
Buellton BBQ Bonanza (Saturday July 26th!)
July 26th! For More information look under Programs click on Seasonal Events then click on Buellton BBQ Bonanza
Nicholas & Blake Siemens Car Contest Winners
Polite…Theme of the Month
Showing correct social skills such as consideration, tact, respect or courtesy. Practice being polite at home and being polite away form home will be natural.
Noah De Alba Student of the Month
Proud Parents Steven & Celina: Mom and I are so proud of how you have been able to dedicate yourself not only in Karate but also in school and basketball. You continue to help around the house and especially teach Continue reading Noah De Alba Student of the Month
Trails Day Sunday, June 1st!
For More information look under Programs click on Seasonal Events then click on Trails Day
Ashton Belding Car Contest Winner
Fun…Theme of the Month
Enjoyment, amusement, or lighthearted pleasure. Can you give us 3 examples of having Fun! Ex: Karate camp is Fun! 1. _________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________