Category Archives: Theme of the Month
Honesty… May Theme
Communication… April Theme
Confidence… March Theme
Caring … February Theme
Caring… Feeling and exhibiting concern and empathy for others. Sometimes we need someone to simply be there. Not to say anything or fix anything, but to let us know they’re on our side, and that they care for us. How Continue reading Caring … February Theme
Character… November Theme
Character …. [kar-ik-ter] Qualities of honesty, courage, and integrity. It takes character to face a bully. Your character defines who you are. It is revealed in how you treat others – are you kind, generous, and caring? Do you do what Continue reading Character… November Theme
Self Control… October Theme
Teamwork… September Theme
Respect… August Theme
Respect– is being thoughtful. courteous and showing regard for yourself, other people and things
Focus… July Theme
Focus – When you focus on the GOOD the good gets BETTER.. What are you focused on?