Author Archives: Sensei
FOCUS… July Theme
Tennyson Brine Student of the Month
To receive this award students must demonstrate outstanding character in Caring, Fairness, Respect, Trustworthiness & Responsibility. Proud Parents Jessica & Kevin: “Tenyson as been an extraordinarily dedicated and enthusiastic student of karate. Even when it’s tough-he perseveres! Great Job Tenny!” Continue reading Tennyson Brine Student of the Month
Tiger Talk June 2021
Tiger Talk May 2021
Sebastian Brine Student of the Month
To receive this award students must demonstrate outstanding character in Caring, Fairness, Respect, Trustworthiness & Responsibility. Proud Parents Jessica & Kevin: “Sebastian dedicated himself to karate over the most challenging months of the pandemic, improving his self-discipline and physical Continue reading Sebastian Brine Student of the Month
Honesty… May Theme
Communication… April Theme
Tennyson Brine Student of the Month
To receive this award students must demonstrate outstanding character in Caring, Fairness, Respect, Trustworthiness & Responsibility. Proud Parents Jessica & Kevin: “Tenny is a fast and confident learner who inspires others with his dedication and his perseverance. He has worked Continue reading Tennyson Brine Student of the Month