Wednesday Wake Up

Do you know somebody
you might be able to lift up?

If you do please share this with them, I truly believe it could be life-changing! I’m a big fan of Mel Robbins, and always look forward to her Podcast last week’s was beyond captivating. I knew I had to share them and what better way than on our “Wednesday Wake-Up” as we enter February with our “Theme of the Month” being CARING! I’m going to recommend starting with part 2 of her conversation: The Truth About ADHD in Adults: Harvard’s Dr. Chris Palmer Explains the Research

Here’s Mel
Hey Brian, I’m writing to you from my studio in Boston. I would have started this note sooner, but I couldn’t find my eyeglasses. Yesterday, my team helped me search for my phone. And before that, my charger cord. It’s easy to tell which things are mine because I label them. (Steal that tip!) Why do I label them? Because I’m always losing everything. EVERYTHING! Welcome to ADHD, my friend. Where nothing is ever where it’s supposed to be when you need it.  I wish I could say it was better at home in Vermont, but… Nope. I’m always forgetting that I started to empty the dishwasher, that I only fed one of the dogs, or that I turned on the coffee maker 3 hours ago. My poor husband, Chris. He has to live with my ADHD, too.  Now I can laugh because I understand that my brain just works differently. But sometimes it’s frustrating as hell. Growing up, I figured something was seriously wrong with me when I couldn’t focus like everyone else. It wasn’t until I was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 47 that I finally started to understand why I navigated the world the way I did. And that’s why I’m so excited about my guest today. Because knowing your brain works differently is great; learning how to optimize your brain—even one with ADHD—is better. Dr. Palmer is back, and this time he’s ready to help you and me stay focused. Dr. Palmer is the founder and director of the recently launched Metabolic & Mental Health Program at Harvard’s McLean Hospital, the #1 psychiatric hospital in the nation, where he has been practicing for almost 30 years. And you might be floored by what he reveals today. I know I was! Like, all these years, I was convinced there were chemicals out of whack in my brain, and that’s what caused my ADHD. Dr. Palmer says there is no evidence for that, and it’s likely the way my brain metabolizes that’s the root issue.  Listen to today’s episode to learn how to make your brain healthy. Listen if you need to hear that nothing is wrong with youListen so that you can help your friends and family who are struggling, too.Watch this week’s episode here.Just be sure to listen because I know this episode will stick with you—like the pad of Post-It notes I now can’t find.  P.S. You deserve the best mental and physical health available to you, so get the simple protocol Dr. Palmer prescribes to many of his patients! Watch the episode here