Zen Wise Student of the Month


Zen Wise who  trains at our GVCC Dojo. To receive this award students demonstrate outstanding character in Trustworthiness Responsibility, Caring Fairness & Respect.

Proud Parents: Eric & Ashley: “Zen loves Karate! He belongs both with those who have gone before him, the more advanced students, and those who are coming after him. Karate is part of his life and he practices every day. We are so thankful that he is with South Coast Karate and are very impressed with his Karate skills. We love him and are so proud of him. We enjoy being in his company as we laugh, talk, sing, and share stories.”

Teacher Janis Spracher: “I have known Zen since he was in Kindergarten and was thrilled when he was placed in my class this year.  He has a vast range of knowledge that he generously shares, yet is always eager to learn more.  He is able to view situations from multiple perspectives and finds unique solutions to difficult problems. His calm demeanor and thoughtfulness make him an excellent role model for other students.  He is responsible, logical, kind, and creative. It’s truly a joy to be his teacher!”

Congratulations Zen!
Your Proud Sensei,
Brian Jordan